Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Medicine?

Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Medicine?

Why do We Need Artificial Intelligence In Medicine? Kurt Zatloukal, M.D. is professor of pathology at the Medical University of Graz, Austria and head of the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine. His research focuses on the molecular pathology of metabolic and neoplastic liver diseases. He is working on the development of biobanking-related technologies and machine learning approaches for digital pathology. He coordinated the preparatory phase of the European biobanking and biomolecular research infrastructure (BBMRI) and is now director of its Austrian national node. He is member of the scientific board for genetic testing and human gene therapy at the Austrian Ministry of Health, and member of the Austrian Standards Institute, as well as CEN and ISO technical committees. He is member of the Academia Europaea and corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and has published 234 scientific papers and is inventor of 25 patents.

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